When you think of a long term employee, what image is congered up in your brain? Ole Mr. Frnak thats been working at the local harware store in town for 30 years? Mis Liz thats worked the graveyard shift for 20 years at the gas station on the interstate? Miss Gilligan thats been the lunchlady at the elementary school long enough to serve two...and nearing three - generations? Or maybe Bill that worked himself into middle age at the sugar mill?
Those of us labors that hold the same job for over three years might be considered a long term emloyee When I say 'same job' I mean the same place of employement, same job, year after year -reguardless of ownership and/or name change. For instance, Liz has been at the local truck stop over twenty years. The name has changed three or four times, the owners even more. Bosses and managers and to many to count cashiers have come and gone in her time of employment. Minimum wage has increased twice. Same with the lunchlady and the hardware clerk.
So why write about long term employees and minimum wage?
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